ePrivacy and GPDR Cookie Consent by Cookie Consent Best and worst professions for car insurance premiums revealed

Best and worst professions for car insurance premiums revealed

Motor racing drivers pay a high price for doing a job that largely involves working with cars. Not only is it an expensive sport, with the cost of racing and racing cars going well into the tens of thousands, but the insurance is sky high too.

Motor racing drivers and organisers have the most expensive car insurance premiums, costing an average of £1,591, according to a MoneySupermarket study.

Footballers are not far behind, shelling out a massive £1,554 on average for their car insurance.  Other sportsmen, funfair employees and theme park workers as well as Canvassers also make it into the top five.

Students, apprentices, exotic dancers and television presenters also face paying over the odds for car insurance.

The research of over 16 million quotes from the past year revealed that nurses pay the least cover, at an average £255 a year.

Guesthouse proprietors and reflexologists take the second and third spot for the cheapest car insurance premiums.

Head teachers, coastguards and matrons also make it into the top cheapest professions for car insurance.

Pete Harrison, car insurance expert at MoneySupermarket.com said: “Insurers measure risk in a number of ways and your profession could speak volumes about your risk as a driver, according to insurance providers. Our research clearly shows that the racier your job, the more expensive your premium will be.

“It is not surprising that students and apprentices are hit by high premiums as they are likely to be young, inexperienced drivers. Retired drivers on the other hand are considered less risky as they have years of experience, built up no claims bonuses and are likely to drive fewer miles each year.

Posted in Bad Credit on Oct 31, 2012.

Sam Foster

Written by Sam Foster - Senior Marketing Manager

Sam joined Everyday Loans in 2016 and has worked in various roles within the Marketing Team. He heads up Everyday Loans' direct-to-brand proposition and oversees all offline and online acquisition channels.

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