We have noticed a recent upsurge in reports of scammers masquerading as Everyday Loans to demand insurance fees to finalise loan applications. We at Everyday Loans do not charge fees or use 0845 numbers to contact you. If you are contacted by anyone saying they are from Everyday Loans, but ask you to pay fees or provide your Bank details, whether by phone or through email, please do not do so.
If you believe you have made a payment
or provided your bank details to such a scam or suspect fraudulent activity,
speak to your bank in the first instance and, if you would like, you should
also report this to Action Fraud.
The Financial Conduct Authority are
also able to offer further support where you suspect fraudulent activity. They
can be contacted on 0800 1116768.
For further information on
financial fraud visit: https://www.actionfraud.police.uk/
About Everyday Loans
Everyday Lending Limited was established in 2006. It’s an independent lender owned by NSF Group plc. The company is fully FCA-accredited and committed to professional, responsible lending.