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The new year is a great time for setting yourself some personal goals, whether to get fitter, eat more healthily or even learn a new skill. But why not make 2023 the year you also get your finances under control? If you’re in need of a financial heal...
It’s the most wonderful time of the year, but the current cost of living crisis means many of us will be feeling the pinch this Christmas. According to a Reuters survey, 75% of adults aren’t planning a big celebration this year – and with food prices...
The World Cup 2022 kicks-off in Qatar on Sunday 20 November, with both England and Wales’ first games taking place the following day.
With the cost-of-living crisis making flights and ticket prices out of the reach of many, most of us will be watchin...
New HR Director Jenny Jackson has joined Everyday Loans to champion the value of people in the business and develop a range of new initiatives to attract and retain the best talent.
With an 18-year background in HR roles across the banking and financ...
Effects of the Rising Inflation on the Cost of Living in the UK
The pandemic has led to a disruption in the global economy. And as the world is trying to heal from its high impact, inflation has hit Britain at its fastest pace this year compared to t...
Along with everything else at the moment, motor costs are rocketing.
It’s estimated Britain’s 36 million car owners spend around £3,000 per year running their vehicle. Expensive petrol prices, insurance premiums and the annual service, added to the c...
The UK’s largest branch-based lender of unsecured loans is bringing its popular face- to-face lending approach to Chester Le Street giving local people the opportunity to discuss their borrowing needs in person with its expert account managers.
The b...
With the current cost of living crisis squeezing household finances even further, this year’s back-to-school budget is likely to be tighter than ever before. Alongside the more obvious expenses such as uniforms and stationery, there are also unexpect...